The lack of organizational vitality has two types of effects on the organisation. The most visible are the direct consequences, which are easily financially assessed. In addition to the direct consequences, indirect consequences also occur, which are immaterial at first but later, through decreased performance of the organisation, they also materialize.
Direct material consequences are:
- absence
- fluctuation
- interruption of work (strikes)
- inefficiency at work
- accidents
- Other (specificity according to the industry).
Unnecessary costs occur, and opportunities are missed. Direct material consequences of the lack of vitality can be financially evaluated using ORVI Calculator.
Indirect consequences are:
- worsening relations
- communication problems
- sub-optimal decision making
- further decline in vitality, etc.
The practical measure for monitoring the dynamics of organizational vitality is the perception of the employees of the management systems, justice of the leaders, the atmosphere in the organisation (organisational climate), engagement and employee satisfaction that can be evaluated through ORVI Survey.
Organizational vitality is the ability to cope with the challenges of operation. What are the conditions the organisation must meet so we can count on the effective functioning? What are the building blocks of organizational vitality?
For an organization to function effectively, there must first be laid down directions for the operation. A clear mission (why we are here), vision (what we want to become), goals (what we have to achieve in the short term) and strategy (how are we going to achieve this, included with what kind of organisational structure).
Then we need people in the organization (which are vital as individuals) who understand the direction, that want to (are motivated) and are able (have the knowledge, skills) to implement the outlined strategy.
These people need to be given the necessary resources. They should as well be authorized to use these resources.
The last building block of successful operation is short-term (individual) action plans that should be coordinated with the general directions of the organisation.
When provided with all the building blocks, we can count on effective, concerted effort, action. The organisation is vital. It is able to operate and to respond to emerging challenges.
What if what a building block is missing?
How much more negative feelings can your organisation afford?
Contact us and start restoring the vitality of your organisation!
Contact us and take the first step towards improved performance of your company!
1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani
Tržaška cesta 515
Tel. št.: +386 41 640 153