Do you want to …
… activate employees for the turnaround and recovery of your company
… evaluate financially the potential you are losing due to the lack of organizational vitality
… set priorities for the development of the HR function based on real data
… raise the performance of your HR team to a new level
… position the HR function in the role of a true strategic partner to the top management.
There is no magic wand.
What we offer are the three ORVI tools.
ORVI tools represent a practical set that solve most of the above outlined challenges in parallel. The tools are ORVI Calculator, ORVI Audit in ORVI Survey.
Get the attention of your management team
An assessment of financial damage due to the lack of vitality, suboptimal management and / or lack of employee engagement.
ORVI Calculator – WHY?
Use ORVI Calculator and …
- estimate in a completely new way the cost of sub-optimal leadership/management and present them on a simple one-page colour infographic.
- translate in a simple way HR topics in the language of management: the language of money
- follow the opinion of key managers and reach a greater understanding of HRM issues on their side
- get the attention of top management, and improve your arguments in acquiring funds for the HRM developmental projects.
ORVI Calculator – HOW?
You will need to enter the following data:
- Number of employees
- Average monthly gross salary in the company
- The absenteeism rate (total)
- The turnover rate
- The average cost of selection and employment (selection, medical examination, occupational safety, licenses …)
- Annual revenues
- The annual cost of purchased goods/materials/services
- The number of strike days
How to use ORVI Calculator?
Analyse and act
A systematic review of the state of HRM processes and their integration into business strategy.
ORVI Audit – WHY?
Use ORVI Audit and …
- establish a solid conceptual framework for the development of HRM processes and present your achievements in a structured way
- establish clear and transparent HRM processes
- obtain feedback on the current state of you own HRM processes and establish a common language within the HR team
- set priorities based on facts and outline measures for the balanced development of HRM processes
- relate the efforts of the HR department to business perspective and become strategically focused HR function.
ORVI Audit – HOW?
In its essence ORVI Audit is a questionnaire that leads you through all the HRM processes included in ORVI Navigator. For a quick self-assessment, you can use ORVI Audit LIGHT. For a more thorough examination you would use the regular ORVI Audit tool. It can be used both for self-evaluation or you can use an experienced external consultant to help you achieve a higher level of accuracy. Can be done through a conversation with only the HR head or combined with a workshop for the whole HR team. Even a sample of line managers can be added to the workshop.
Check the effects of the measures
A survey among employees, how they perceive their immediate and wider work environment and how they recognize management systems.
ORVI Survey – WHY?
Use ORVI Survey and …
- involve all employees in a cross organisational dialogue and increase their efficiency
- create an early warning system and secure time for managers to intervene
- provide feedback to managers and help them in leading their employees
- close the feedback loop in the implementation of improvements and ensure implementation of HRM projects
- visibly communicate the results and raise the credibility of managers and HRM
- stand at the forehead of change and influence the organisational culture.
ORVI Survey – HOW?
It is not only about a distribution of questionnaires and collecting information. Particularly important is the attention created by the questionnaires alone, therefore announce your intention through all possible channels. Urge all the employees to participate and help the managers in the use of the information obtained. Make sure to include the results into action plans and monitor progress. The main steps of ORVI Survey are:
Contact us and take the first step towards improved performance of your company!
1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani
Tržaška cesta 515
Tel. št.: +386 41 640 153