Free version of the ORVI Audit Tool  which offers a systematic review of the state of HRM processes and their integration into business strategy.


Use ORVI Audit and …

  • establish a solid conceptual framework for the development of HRM processes and present your achievements in a structured way
  • establish clear and transparent HRM processes
  • obtain feedback on the current state of you own HRM processes and establish a common language within the HR team
  • set priorities based on facts and outline measures for the balanced development of HRM processes
  • relate the efforts of the HR department to business perspective and become strategically focused HR function.


In its essence ORVI Audit is a questionnaire that leads you through all the HRM processes included in ORVI Navigator. For a quick self-assessment, you can use ORVI Audit LIGHT. For a more thorough examination you would use the regular ORVI Audit tool. It can be used both for self-evaluation or you can use an experienced external consultant to help you achieve a higher level of accuracy. Can be done through a conversation with only the HR head or combined with a workshop for the whole HR team. Even a sample of line managers can be added to the workshop.